Fermented foods encompass a wide range of different foods. You are probably aware of the more obvious categories, such as yogurt and aged cheese.
Fermented foods with probiotics aid digestion, conserve energy, and release additional nutrients for absorption, promoting bacterial balance.
Exercise-induced muscle damage can impair athlete performance post-exercise, affecting various activities like weight lifting, over-training.
Probiotics improve digestion and, more importantly, enhance absorption of nutrients. Furthermore, better nutrient absorption speeds up recovery time.
Scientists now estimate that 80% of your immune system resides in your gut. Thus, replenishing it with beneficial bacteria is vital for disease prevention.
Through the benefits of fermented foods and probiotics, you can improve your gut health with the potential of drastically improving athletic performance.
Research has shown that probiotics improve an athlete’s ability to train in the heat through reduced fatigue.
If your body is already overloaded with toxins, often times one of the most harmful decisions you can make is to begin a detoxification program too fast.